I just went out and took this picture:


The first daffodil, and I saw it yesterday (ignore the weeds and stuff I haven’t cut back).

Lots more will pop soon (I’ve been accumulating pictures for this post):


I didn’t get them while they were open, so you’ll have to take my word for it that they were spectacular:


I assume they will open again if the sun ever shines long enough.

Moon is just Raggety-looking as her cashmere dislodges in Clumps:


Star is on the verge of giving birth.  She’s so full of babies that her breathing is labored when she lies down, because what you don’t see from this angle is that she’s as big top to bottom as she is side to side:


But 4 minutes later, in the garden, it began snowing, so I beat a hasty retreat to the chickens’ porch where I had this view:


And 15 minutes later it looked like this out my dining room window:


But I believe.  It will be Spring for real pretty soon.